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The first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel came into my life in 1977, the year I had my 7th birthday. It was a small tricolor bitch called Kavaljeros Sissie. A dream for a little girl. She became my companion for many years. Even then I followed the breed with great interest. My first Cavalier book was Birgitta Östergren's book from 1978 (a swedish classic) which still stands in my bookshelf. Over the years this book has been joined by many other Cavalier books.
My husband Peter and I bought our first common Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in 2000. Since then this wonderful rubybitch has been followed by several wholecoloured cavaliers. In 2002 we visited Campanard `s kennel for the first time and met their wonderful dogs, Campanard's Ginnie, Campanard's Purple Rose and severel others. In 2007, A dream came true when we got a bitch after Campanard `s Magic Rose.
This is our Dream Rose ...












We registered our kennel name Amberton's in 2003. As the breed originated from England, we wanted the name to be in english and we also thought that the amber colour works well with our Cavaliers.
We have a small breed of wholecoloured Cavaliers that we raise in a home environment. Our goal is to produce healthy dogs with good temperament. We follow the Swedish Cavalier Society breeding recommendations and breed only dogs with checked heart, eyes and patella.
We live with our dogs and two children in Kristianstad, a town located in the south of Sweden.

Annika & Peter Renberg